You can determine a company’s value (and thus the value of its stock) in
many ways. The most basic way is to look at the company’s market value,
also known as market capitalization (or market cap). Market capitalization is
simply the value you get when you multiply all the outstanding shares of a
stock by the price of a single share.
Calculating the market cap is easy. If a company has 1 million shares outstanding and its share price is $10, the market cap is $10 million.
Small cap, mid cap, and large cap aren’t references to headgear; they’re references to how large a company is as measured by its market value. Here are
the five basic stock categories of market capitalization:
✓ Micro cap (under $250 million): These stocks are the smallest and
hence the riskiest available.
✓ Small cap ($250 million to $1 billion): These stocks fare better than the
microcaps and still have plenty of growth potential. The key word here
is “potential.”
✓ Mid cap ($1 billion to $10 billion): For many investors, this category
offers a good compromise between small caps and large caps. These
stocks have some of the safety of large caps while retaining some of the
growth potential of small caps.
✓ Large cap ($10 billion to $50 billion): This category is usually best
reserved for conservative stock investors who want steady appreciation
with greater safety. Stocks in this category are frequently referred to as
blue chips.
✓ Ultra cap (over $50 billion): These stocks are also called mega caps and
obviously refer to companies that are the biggest of the big. Stocks such
as General Electric and Exxon Mobil are examples.
From a safety point of view, a company’s size and market value do matter.
All things being equal, large cap stocks are considered safer than small
cap stocks. However, small cap stocks have greater potential for growth.
Compare these stocks to trees: Which tree is sturdier, a giant California redwood or a small oak tree that’s just a year old? In a great storm, the redwood
holds up well, while the smaller tree has a rough time. But you also have to
ask yourself which tree has more opportunity for growth. The redwood may
not have much growth left, but the small oak tree has plenty of growth to look
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